Schools information
Alongside Play Therapy and Family Therapy (based on either Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy or Theraplay principles,) we also offer 'Theraplay nurture groups.' Theraplay nurture groups provide a cost effective way to aid small groups of vulnerable children; particularly those who struggle socially, emotionally or may be suffering with mental health needs . Schools that have used Theraplay nurture groups in Cornwall have become more nurturing and have adopted a more caring and inclusive ethos. Theraplay nurture groups can very quickly and dramatically improve the quality of learning in the classroom and provide teachers and support staff with resources to maintain an emotionally positive and cognitively enriched environment. Groups of three to four children works best, but Theraplay activities can also be adapted to be used with a whole class. Theraplay nurture groups have helped improve children's behaviour and social issues in Cornwall
In regards to all therapies that we provide, we can produce regular reports to monitor each child's progress. We believe that by working closely with parents and staff, we can monitor progress more effectively. We are happy to provide Family Therapy as an additional service to those parents in Cornwall who may need additional support.
Here is a local Head Teacher's perspective;
“‘Esther works with us and is proving to be very valuable in meeting the intangible, immeasurable needs of some of our most vulnerable children.’ ”